Remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft
Remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft

remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft

$publicIpAddress = Get-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $publicIpAddressResource. $publicIpAddressResource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $PublicIpAddressId Where-Object -Property 'Primary' -EQ -Value $true | ResourceGroupName -Name $primaryNetworkInterfaceResource. $primaryNetworkInterface = Get-AzureRmNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName $primaryNetworkInterfaceResource. $primaryNetworkInterfaceResource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $primaryNetworkInterfaceId $primaryNetworkInterfaceId = GetPrimaryNetworkInterfaceId -VM $vm Fqdn -ne $null ) is not assigned public IP address.' -f $vm. # Create a new server element as child of the group element. $groupElm = CreateGroupElement -XmlDoc $xmlDoc -GroupName $group.

remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft

# Create a new group element as child of the file element. Group-Object -Property 'ResourceGroupName' | GetRdpConnectionInfo -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName | # Retrieve the RDP connection informations and build the XML elements. $xmlDoc = CreateRdgFileXmlDoc -RootGroupName $RootGroupName Path -ChildPath 'AzureVMConnection.rdg' ) , $FilePath = ( Join-Path -Path ( Get-Location ). For testing purpose, I’ve commented out the Get-ADComputer command and replace it with a fake list of server (server1 to server100), but you get the idea.Import-Module -Name ( Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '1' -Resolve ) If we want to query AD we need the ActiveDirectory module. The benefits of using an XML file as an input template is that we can customize later on or having multiple versions without changing (with reasonable and valid settings for RDMan) our code/script, but just re-run it will give us a different output. The following step is creating an XML Template. We can filter AD Computer by OU(Organisational Unit), by OperatingSystem, Name, TAG, etc. Feel free to adapt the script to your needs. Most probably AD is your primary Source of Truth in our company for the windows environment. The content can be stored or imported from a file txt/csv or even AD. NET Framework.įirst of all, we need to gather a list of servers in our environment/infrastructure. In this article, I’ll show how to generate an RDG file with a little bit of help offered by PowerShell and the. One thing is being tempted, another thing is starting to code without even thinking of the end goal. One of them, for example, is re-invent the wheel, building your own template generator instead of using a parser or a built-in library that manipulates XML. There are ways that are quick and dirty and in general, you need to avoid.

Remote desktop connection manager 2.7 download microsoft